We’ve Got You Covered Regardless of Credit

Loyalty Works Both Ways
When a business works with you to create a payment plan that suits your needs, you know they have your best interest at heart. Ask if they offer the Varidi Pay Platform next time you are in for services. If they haven’t heard of us, please suggest they reach out to learn more!

Pay Later for What You Need Now
Flexible payment plans give you access to services you need now, and allow you pay over time if you choose to do so. Varidi is the solution to ask for when your budget constraints require financing.

100% Approval Guaranteed
With Varidi you are able to have access to care now for the services you really need. No more financing denials or being turned down for treatment. With Varidi, we allow you to say “YES!” to your treatments.

Simplify the Process
Easily setup automatic payments and let us simplify how you pay your bill over time, while you get the services you need immediately.