Serving More Customers Means Increased Revenue
With the Varidi Pay Platform every customer has access to care, and you always get paid. Period.
Access to Care Now • 100% Approvals • Zero Rejections
Make More Money!
Never lose a customer due to payment concerns. Having options other than financing create more realized revenue. Businesses that offer Varidi consistently increase revenue by $10,000 to $20,000† a month.
When you do get paid-in-full, great! But don’t let good customers walk away without the services they need because they feel they can’t afford them. Offer Varidi proactively in your daily transactions and see your revenue increase!
Give Customers Options
The Varidi Payment Guarantee means more repeat business. Varidi was built to help people who couldn’t qualify for traditional financing. Now, Varidi helps everyone get the services they need!
Good credit or no credit, Varidi provides your customers the payment plans they prefer. Let your customer decide the right fit for their budget. Simply say, “Let’s see if a payment plan might be a good option,” and we take care of the rest. Varidi as an option is certain to increase case acceptance.
† May 2020 – April 2021 independent case study review of Varidi aesthetic clients.
We Make Payment
Plans Simple

Maximum Profit
When someone can’t afford the full price of your services today, you lose revenue. Offering Varidi payment-over-time, in one easy solution, allows you to help serve more people.

Simple Process
Varidi lets you offer real-time approval with flexible rates, and a low set-up cost for your consumers. We understand time is money and we want you to save as much as possible!

Guaranteed Payment
If someone doesn’t qualify for your financing, Varidi Payment Guarantee ensures you are paid on time no matter what. Never risk not being paid with Varidi's Guarantee payment plans!